the kenyons

Thursday, December 4, 2008


So both Keidis and Kaya have always been stuffy, snore terribly, and have constantly drippy noses ... Kaya gets "allergy shiners" - dark bags under her eyes - and Keidis gets wicked eczema.  The MD told us to put them on allergy meds for 6 months and see what happens ... FORGET THAT!!! I asked about determining specific allergens and he said he was sure it was environmental or airborne (dust, grass etc) ... I have heard around the block that it could be digestive, so I took them to a naturopath.  We left the appointment with a list of foods to avoid for each of them  and we will see what this does ... it feels much better to me than medicating them for the rest of their lives. The issue is that this is really going to be a ton of work - it is inconvenient and expensive!  Here is the list:

Kaya - corn, oranges, soy, peanuts
Keidis - oranges, eggs, corn, milk, apples, peanuts - and 3 biggies ~ cheese, wheat, lettuce! 
you read right, he reacts to lettuce ... normally with a 3-year-old, this wouldn't be an issue, but Keidis eats salad hand over fist ~ he chooses salad over pizza and fries EVERY time!

So I am now on a quest to find foods and recipes ... if you have any good wheat-free websites or bread recipes, or deal with this on your own, I would love any and all suggestions.  
We have figured out that we will continue making salads with chard, beet greens, kale, and spinach.  We will move to rice noodles, crackers, and flour sometimes.  We will use almonds instead of peanuts for all that sort of thing.  As a family, we are just going to cut out cheese period (except goat feta).  Our plan is to make these changes all together, so that we are just eating what everyone can eat. Mike and I will be tested in the next 2 weeks so we can make a FAMILY lifestyle change :)

so that is my current stress ~ although I am relieved at this point to be doing something productive that doesn't involve medicine every day.  


Blogger Jenie said...

Wow! That is definitely a big change, Good Luck.

December 5, 2008 at 9:42 a.m.  
Blogger Melissa said...

Good for you guys! Really. Lincoln is allergy king and I've been wanting to do a little food elimination experiment myself, but he has to get on board first. Anyway, I'm currently trying a bunch of homemade granola bar recipes that aren't full of junk. I'll let you know how today's recipe works out (just almond butter, honey, and oatmeal - Luke won't eat dried fruit or nuts of any sort). There's also a website (just google "crockpot lady 365") and her site should come up, who is trying to use her crockpot every day this year and I believe her kids have gluten allergies. Anyway, some of her recipes might work. Good luck and I'm sooo proud of you for not taking the easy way out. Still inspiring me, B-girl.

By the way, we had a fun baby shower for Crystal last Saturday and we missed you. We were talking about your baby shower (the one Crystal did at her house). I'll try to put some pics on my blog (hopefully this Year!).

December 11, 2008 at 8:20 a.m.  
Blogger Melissa said...

Sorry, I also wanted to say that we've been eating Kale lately, and I don't know if you've already discovered this or not, but just use a little (at least at first) or the whole family will suffer...if you know what I mean.

December 11, 2008 at 8:23 a.m.  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good for you guys! That takes alot of work on your part. It's harder than pill popping, but so much better for your family. You are such an inspiration. I admire what you did for breast cancer and I love the way Mike and you support each other.

December 15, 2008 at 5:41 p.m.  

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