a challenge
In the program I work with, I have a few teen learners and each week there is a learning challenge presented for them - I have found myself partaking each week for fun and for interest. This last one was really good for me ...
I just want to be able to have a place for everything and to have it all together, so when I want to work on furniture refinishing, I have a place to do it and a place to put my unfinished projects (another issue for another time ...) OR when I want to sit down and read for interest or fun or learning or a goal or whatever, I want to be able to feel like I can and not have to worry about the stack of papers gathering on the counter/table/desk and I want to be able to know where my book is in the first place :) I also want to be able to sift through it all and keep what is important and useful and remove the rest ...
How can I do this ...
- I will take pictures of the problem areas in my home and post them for ALL to see! (this will be scary so watch out!)
- I will make a little schedule for myself to sort through and organize each of these areas (which I will post and report on)
- I will find places for everything and if I cannot find a place for it, I will find a new home (away from my own) for whatever it is!
- I will set 10 minutes a day to work on this general project of organizing, sorting, selecting, etc.
- Iwill be BRUTAL in my decisions of what to keep and what not to keep. (If it were up to me, I would keep everything that enters my home and if my husband made all decisions, we would get rid of EVERYTHING!) So by brutal I mean for me and thus I will be a bit more picky in determining what holds enough value to remain in my home."
This is the window between the kitchen and living room - it tends to collect STUFF ... I have no after pic of this yet, but I have put some little candle holders there to remind me NOT to stash stuff there.