the kenyons

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ophelia turns one!

Here is our sweet girl turning one:

Yes, this did happen in March 2009 - I told you I was behind!

our year in cakes

I am going to slowly catch up, not too much detail though, as I haven't written in months aside from the new baby announcement!

Here is Ophelia's one year birthday cupcakes:

Kaya had a Faerie party this year:

This is an angel food cake for Auntie Trish's birthday:

Corn on the Cob cupcakes for Father's Day - don't ask why, I just saw them in a book and wanted to make them:

Oh Canada - apparently I was on a strawberry kick this year:
I am looking for Keidis' Diego cake right now ... hopefully I will find it as I sift through a year of photos! so that is it for now.