the kenyons

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ophelia 2009


Seriously this girlie is adorable ... she has these lovely soft blonde curls and these uber-pinchable chubby cheeks, when she grins or laughs it is like the sun's warm rays ...

and it is a very good thing she is so stinkin' cute because she is really a stinker!! We started calling her Bruiser, but I think we will have to stop so it doesn't become a self-fulfilling prophecy. She has no fear - she runs as fast as her little legs can go.
She jumps off the couch.
She climbs ~ chairs, barstools, window sills, shelves, fireplaces, anything she can! (Although she has yet to get out of the crib - which is great for me!)

Kellan rocked her world ~ she had no idea what hit her! She went through a rough stage then ~biting, hitting, screaming, hair pulling ~ her main targets were Kellan and Keidis. Keidis would curl up into the fetal position on the floor sobbing and Fea would stand above him grinning as she whacked him over and over with wrapping paper rolls, dress up shoes, you name it, she hit him with it!! She has improved, now it is only the occasionally nibble on Kellan's exposed toes and the few-and-far-between sucker punches to Keidis.

For all her roughness, she is still a little angel, sweet and happy, she sings twinkle twinkle with actions and hugs and kisses her brothers and sister and still LOVES to cuddle!!
p.s. all these photos were taken by my wonderfully talented friend Debra at

Kellan 2009

This little guy is the sweetest little man ever to be. All of my babies have had wonderfully sweet temperments, but Kellan - seriously, the kid never cries ... he just grins and laughs all the day long!

He started out big ~ 9 lb 3 oz ~ and has never looked back. I just weighed him and at 4 months old, he is 18 lb 8 oz (just above the 97th percentile on all the charts). He is just one big boy! He sits in the Bumbo chair and the exersaucer - both of which he was ready for at 2 months due to his sheer size.

Being big at birth is not always pleasant for mom in the moment ... but there are some benefits - like sleep ... within the first week he was giving me 6 hours a night. Fantastic! Basically he has stuck with that. (Must have been the tight-like-a-burrito swaddling). In the last few weeks, he has taken to putting himself to sleep too ... I just put him down in a soft comfy blanket beside me on the couch at around 8 and out he goes ...

His life is pretty simple ~ eat ~ sleep ~ play ~ roll (from back to front) ~ smile ~ giggle ~ sit ~ cower in fear from Ophelia ~

He is a joy!!! We are so grateful to be blessed with him in our lives!!