i cannot complain anymore

more kitchen ...
Remember the falling-over faucet?
This is Mike's first try with tile. He is amazing!
So there is our kitchen - all done - just finishing things - vents in the floor (we have already lost one bouncy ball down there), filling and and repainting nail holes and stuff like that, but it is totally functional and usable.
So can now get back to real life and will post as we get stuff done.
So the kitchen is mostly finished ... just touch ups left. (which I might have to do myself if I want them done!) Mike did an amazing job - I love having a handyman as a husband. :) but I think he needs a break now!
Just an apology about the grammar and spelling mistakes. I am typing this with my kitchen basically in my bedroom as well as my computer and my children on my lap and so proof-reading went out the door - just a note - the little girl didn't go "through" the weight - she "threw" the weight (see below). You can find the rest of the mistakes. Kind of like "Where's Waldo?" How many can you find!
The kitchen is still in progress. Lots of fun. Mike has been ahead of schedule the whole way and so it has been a bit of a break at night time for him. Big day today - the floor will be finished and then all the cupboards are almost installed and he can start on the counter. He has to redo the plumbing as well under the sink - it was messed up!! So the complete overhaul is coming along.
Check out th shiner that Kaya got when a 2-year-old friend through a 2.5 pound weight at her! this is a few days after and it has begun to settle down.
One of her favourite things to do it colour and everything she colours is super-multi-coloured.
A little fuzzy, but I had to put one of him on or Kaya was going to get upset - she is my editor :)
Here we are at the beginning of renos. Our friends, the Butlers, here in Whitecourt (really they are the reason we are able to stay here!) are going to France and they have so kindly let us stay there while they are gone, which happens to be right when we need it so the kids and I are out of Mike's way. I would love to help Mike but I can't keep my mouth shut and he needs quiet and efficiency ... plus we work in totally different ways ... I need to do one thing at a time - like clean out all the kitchen cupboards and everything first. He likes to do many things at a time, like when I am going along taking stuff out of cupboards, he takes down the cupboard as soon as it is empty, while I move on to the next cupboard. It is impossible for us to work together on this and I KNOW IT!! So we will be taking a hiatus at the Butlers and he will work here all alone!!